2007!! I can't believe it's here already. A new year to me means new beginnings, a clean slate, starting over. That's a challenge I'm definitely up to. I actually already started. I made split pea soup for the first time. It was a keeper. The next thing I want to make is homemade bread. If anyone has a really good recipe, please let me know.
I hope everyone had a pretty good holiday. Mine was't too shabby. Homemade gifts were all the rage, and well received I might add. I made this:

and this:

My fiance gave me
Knitting for Dogs and
Paul Deen's Kitchen Classics . I can't wait to make matching sweaters for the boys, and I love Ms. Butter (my nickname for Paula). I can't wait till I have a little more time. I am going to be all over these books. I made her corn casserole and pumkin pie for Thanksgiving.
I want to thank
Erica B. for giving me the motivation to start sewing again. It's something that I use to do, and I am finding that I still love it. I'm working on a pair of pants right now for this Spring. I'm still knitting, but don't have anything productive to show right now.
I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year filled with all the things that they hope for and lots of roving, yarn and material.
Blessings to all. Happy New Year!!