Showing posts with label Baking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baking. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jackson's Favorite Treats!!!

This weekend I decided to make doggie treats for Jackson. I made treats years ago when Byron was around and I forgot how much they both really liked them. Scratch that, LOVED them. I was going to try this new recipe last weekend, but got to it this weekend because the cookie jar was running low.

For those of you that are interested, here's the recipe I came up with from viewing other recipes online.

Preheat your oven at 350 Degrees.


1 1/2 cup flour
1 cup wheat flour
1 cup oats
2 tbp of Canola or Olive oil
1/3 cup peanut butter
1 1/4 hot water

In a large bowl mix all the dried ingredients together. Then add the oil and peanut butter.

Next slowly add the water and mix your ingredients together.

With a rolling pin, roll your dough out till it's 1/4 thick. With a cookie cutter, cut your doggie cookie shapes out and place them on a lightly greased cookie sheet.

Place the cookies in the oven for 40 minutes. Take out and cool.

I'll leave you with this parting shot.

I was trying to take the cookie away from Jackson. He was not having it.

If you liked this post, let me know. I'll post other treat recipes in the future, as I test and try new ones out.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Easy Breezy Fun and Easy!!!

Last Saturday morning, I got up real early and finished by overlay top I talked about in my last post. I'm putting all my information together on how I drafted it. So, more to come soon.

I've been on the Amish Friendship Bread kick for about a month now. One of my friends gave me a starter a few weeks ago, and I've been making it ever since. This batch was my third. The one on the left has raisins in it, and the one on the right is plain. I've also made it with bananas and chocolate chips. Very Yummy. I like eating it for breakfast with a cup of tea.

Last Monday night I started working on this baby. Sista Girl Sheila gave me this pattern about a year ago and I thought it was about time I worked it up. Plus, who wouldn't love an easy breezey top every once and a while. I know I do. It went together pretty fast so I made another one. This second one is a bit longer. I can wear it as a mini dress or hike it up even more and wear it as a tunic with leggings. I plan on making a few more of these. Last night I did some tracing. I'm hoping to get a bit more done tonight, We'll see.

So, last night I finally caught up on the last 3 episodes of Project Runway that I needed to see. In my opinion, I believe that Seth Aaron deserved to win. Some of his garments are a little over the top for me, but man, can he tailor. He does beautiful work. Emilio produced a beautiful line, and I agree with the judges, it was very commercial which is good, but I expected a little more from him for the runway. I wasn't too crazy about Mila all season, but I love what she produced for the runway. Did anyone see the Reunion Show? Who else wanted to slap Jay Nicolas besides me?


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