Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's going on and some INSPIRATION!!

This past Saturday was the 1st day of Spring. It was just a few weeks ago that we sat and witnessed major snow storms and prayed for warmer weather. Well it's here, and so is the rain, but I for one am not complaining. I took advantage of the great weather yesterday and took a short bike ride with Mr. D. Saturday, I slept in really late and then ran my weekly errands and did laundry.It's been a slow go, but I finally got the dress for Vogue 8491 cut out. I still have to cut the jacket for Simplicity 4256 out. I also have the pattern pieces for Simplicity 2406 cut. I have to wash the fabric for it still, but hopefully I should have that done before the end of the week. I'm using one of the Silk Dupioni fabrics that I purchased from Jomars last week for $1.00 a yard. I also purchased denim from Jomars for the Jalie 2908 sew-a-long. I purchased the zipper over the weekend at JoAnns and ordered the rivets and button today from ebay. Can I also tell you that I think these will be the cheapest pair of jeans ever. I got the stretch denim for $3.20 a yard. Since it was so cheap, I purchased 2 different weights. I think one might be a 9 lb. and the other possibly a 12 pound.

On the knitting front I'm still working on some personal designs that have been a slow go, but I like what I'm seeing. I've only been working on them for about a year. There's no rush right?

Over the weekend I casted on for the Not-Just-For Chemo Reversible Cloche by Mary Keenan.

I finished the linen stitch for the brim and am now working on the hat portion.

It's tedious but I like it. I'm making it for another friend, who's wife just started chemo. While I'm on the subject of knitting for other people, I have to tell you that the red slippers were a hit, she loved them. My friend/band mate couldn't wait till his anniversary to give his wife the slippers from my last post. I heard that she is wearing them, and that I'm her favorite person right now.

Until next time, here's the belt I made last night, and wore to work today. I hope you like. I've also been looking at a little inspiration. I see some color, ruffles and embellishment in my future.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Highlights!!

I did not get much done in the line of sewing or knitting this past weekend. I did work a little on my new sewing space compliments of my husband. Once it's finished, I'll take pictures. We are sharing the spare bedroom in our house or more like I'm sharing a room with his containers and my sewing and crafting containers.

Saturday was errand and washing day. Saturday night I went to a fundraiser. A good time was had by all. I made the cable hat in black for a friend, but stupid me forgot to take a picture. Fortunately, I'm making the same hat for Mr. D in some Noro yarn, so I'll have pics in the future.

Another friend of mine has asked me to knit slipper booties for his wife. He's given me the pair she has now so I'm reworking a pattern from them. I'm hoping they turn out as I am in the dark right now.

Although I got no sewing done, yesterday I did take a little drive. I needed my phone re-wrapped against scratching so I took a trip to the King of Prussia Mall for that. Since I was in the area, I drove to Norristown in search of Jomars. I usually go to the one off of Delaware Ave. in South Philadelphia area. I had heard that the Norristown store had awesome designer fabric. I am trying to find a stretch plaid for the Burda jacket. I didn't find any, but I did stock up on buttons. You would have too if you were told it was $2 a cup. I got 116 of them. I also found 6 1/2 inch wide stretch lace at $1.09 per yard minus 20%. In the end, I walked out $20 lighter. I wasn't upset with myself as I'm trying to keep to my fabric diet. I'm trying to work from stash first, and then if I can't find anything, I'll then go on a hunt at the fabric stores. Now I can work up my underwear patterns with the right fabric/lace. I see some dying in my future as I want different colors other than white.

I have to Thank Carolyn for blogging about this book.

I purchased it on Friday night and I was not disappointed. The clothing designs are FABULOUS and Mrs. O's style is impeccable. If you haven't seen this book, check it out.

On a last note, here is my current inspiration. Thanks for the link Rachel.


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