I love how the variegation of the yarn turned out.
I also finished the baby hooded jacket I've been working on this morning. I only have to sew in a #10 separated zipper. Let me tell you. They aren't easy to find. None of the fabric stores carry that size zipper in brown. I think I finally found a company in New York, but I need to give them a call. They weren't open today, so I'll try on Monday. In the meantime, here is what the jacket looks like so far. I'm very pleased with it.
This weekend is the start of 2 KALs that I am in. The first one is for Knitting Lingerie Style. Can I just say that I love Joan McGowan Michael. I think I want to knit everything in this book. I knit the Angelina Jacket last year. And just love it. Here it is.
I am going to start with the Shaped Lace Tee first. I have had some Cascade Sierra in my stash in like a canary yellow color for the past two years. I figure I ought to use it. I'm destashing and that's a good thing. I have a ton of yarn I need to use up.
I also want to knit the Surplice Bodice Camisole and the Basic Stockings. I have some King Tut Yarn in black that I'm thinking of using for the camisole. I also have an idea for the lacy part at the bottom but I'm not sure if it's going to work yet. We'll see.
I started working on a new design that I would like to submit but I'm not sure I'll be finished in time for a winter submission. Wish me luck.
The second KAL I have joined is Socksational July at Rosie's Yarn Cellar, through their Knitting Circle. There is a free sock pattern every week to knit. I have to go through my stash tonight to see what yarn I want to use. I have quite a bit of sock yarn. I'm sure I'll find something I can use.
I'm still working on my lace nightie from Interweave Knits. It's slowly coming along. I hope to have pictures up soon. I haven't done much on the pinwheel blanket I started a couple of weeks ago. I might try to put some time on it this week.
I'm going to leave you with some pictures from my gig last weekend that the Fi took and birdie our bird getting his exercise. Fi has this thing about letting him get exercise at least once a day. It use to freak me out, but I've gotten use to it. I know one family member who's not crazy about it. Here he is watching him. I think Jack definitely wanted a taste. Can't you see the excitement?