I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was filled with cooking and family. Everyone enjoyed the meal(that made me happy), and overall the day was nice and quiet. Thursday night, I laid down and thought to myself, for once, I wasn't stressed out. Family can drive you crazy, and there is always going to be something that goes wrong either at work or at home but at the end of the day, I don't know if I would change a thing, except maybe my job. I'm thankful to see another day, and to share it with the people I love, my family, friends, and my new friends that I have found here. Thank you.
Now, to play catchup:
I didn't list any info on the yarns I used because I'm just plain tired, but I think I listed the info on
ravelry, and in earlier posts. If you can't find the info, send me a message and I'll do another post or email it to you.
First up is Baby Eleanor


Baby Blanket for Courtney

I finally finished my first vogue pattern for pants. The pattern is V8298. The pattern was pretty easy to work with, and I definitely want to make another pair. I only paid $1.00 a yard for this fabric. I was buying fabric at
JoAnn's and the sales woman told me that instead of buying muslin to try out a pattern, test it out on some cheap fabric first. That way, you still have a finished project that you can knock around in if the pattern doesn't work out.

The crochet class I taught a couple of weeks ago went over very well. Everyone learned their stitches and even one student already has one fingerless glove made. She plans on giving a pair to her sister.
I casted on for the front of my mother's shawl collared sweater. I hope to have it done before Christmas. I'm also working on a felted handbag for myself. I'm not using a pattern for the bag so I hope it turns out okay. I want to embellish it by doing some needle felting on it and maybe some beading, but I'm not sure yet. That's it for now. I have to go and update my
ravelry page, and watch all my television shows' I've missed lately. I love watching my shows on my computer. It beats taping, or