My girlfriend loved hers, and so did my mom. Here's a picture of my mom's.

I didn't ask for much this Christmas, but on the craftier side, Mr. D gave me an organizer with trays to either hold buttons, beads, etc..

I had a chance to sit down this week and reflect on this past year and review the goals that I had set for myself. Overall the year was good. We had a few scary moments in the past few months, but we were able to get through them, and so far, everyone is doing very well. My MIL's aneurysm is shrinking so the doctors are waiting to shoot the coils in. My mother is now home, she had one last test a couple of weeks ago, and she does not have to get a defibrillator installed for her heart.
In reviewing my goals for 2009 , I found that I didn't do too bad:
1. Organize and catalog my knitting stash. I didn't do this, but everything is in containers.
2. Organize and catalog my sewing stash. I started this, but it's not done.
3. Design more with a structured purpose. I want to see if I can come up with a collection and in a timely manner according to the seasons. I did start a few new knitting designs (3 in fact. I finished one, but haven't written a pattern for it yet) during the course of the year, but they are not finished yet. I also started working on a crochet collection about a month ago and so far, I am loving the creative process, and I love what I am seeing. I want to design something every month or every other month, experiment with yarn more. I guess I've experimented, but I sure didn't do it every month.
4. Sew more. I did do this. Challenge myself by making a whole wardrobe. I have not done this YET, but I'm working on it. Learn new techniques. I learned french seams and buttonholes, I also started working with leather (stay tuned). I purchased a Serger this past year, and love it. I also designed my first garment, even though I used pattern pieces from different patterns to accomplish the design. I don't want to be afraid of trying something new. I want to try a BWOF pattern. I only have like 4 of the magazines. I actually have a subscription now. I made 2 BWOF patterns. I plan on doing more.
I never posted this picture, but I did try my hand at draping and shirring even though the project was simple. This baby got a lot of wear during the summer.

5. Educate myself more in knitting and sewing. Go on design excursions, maybe take a class in sewing. Visit NY. Read more again.There weren't any local classes for me to take, unless I actually signed up for some college courses. I have purchased quite a few new books which I plan on getting into in the next year. There are so many techniques that I have to learn. I did go to NY for PR Day, and got to hang with an amazing group of people.
6. Workout. Drop 1 more dress size. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, this did not happen. I did workout a little.
7. Start spinning again. I did start this, but I still would like to do this more.
8. Cook more. Have fun in the kitchen. The early part of the year was a bust on this one, but in the last month, I've been in the kitchen, and enjoying it. I cook for my mom now, and my husband are experimenting on the vegetarian thing so, food had been very interesting in our house.
For 2010, I want to keep it a little simple and easy.
1. With the scares that we've had in our family, My #1 focus I think will be family. They have to be cherished, there just isn't enough hours in the day.
2. I need to carve out some free time for me, and then everyone else.
3. Create, Create, Create
4. Educate, Educate, and then Create some more.
5. Get my sewing, knitting, and crochet on. Sew a little more for my family. I think I did pretty good this year.
6. In General Read More. I did pretty good this past year, but I know I can do better.
On an end note, I just received this picture
in the mail from Mr. D's cousin.

I want to thank all of you for stopping by this past year. You have given me inspiration and friendships that I never dreamed of, and your advice has been very helpful. Thank you.
I wish all of you a Wonderful, Happy and Prosperous New Year. May it be filled with love, family and many days, nights and weekends of crafting. Walk on Motivate and Creative!!