Anyway, I bought mine not by choice, but I'm glad I did. A few weeks ago, I got stung by 2 yellow jackets and couldn't walk for 3 days. Bad allergic reaction. To make matters worse, 2 weeks later, the day after my red dress vava voom moment, I was bit by a swarm of gnats. My face, neck, arms back, and butt were covered in bits. I had to go to my family doctor who in turned yelled at me. That's the treatment you get when you've been going to the man since you were in grade school. Anyway, he told me that I should have gone to the hospital after being stung. Well, my lovely doctor put me on steroids for 6 days which I finished last Saturday, and I've been wearing my clip on ever since. And yes my friends, I see an allergist in 2 weeks for testing.
With the clip on, there is no spraying involved. It's battery operated. All you have to do is turn it on and you're ready to go. Here's a link to see how it works.
In knitting news: The guys in my band have been complaining that I'm always knitting but I haven't made anything for them yet. A week ago, I started Turn A Square by Jared Flood.

Last night I started Sursa.

I have no sewing news but I have been buying fabric. Fabric Warehouse had a 50% off Sale last week. I couldn't pass that up. I was very good. I only purchased 4 pieces and paid $23 for the whole lot. I also purchased fabric from I bought some stretchy lace and some ITY Knit. I think some underwear and lingerie are in my future. Who knows.
Anyway, what do you all have planned for the weekend? I'm giving someone a refresher on sewing tomorrow. Mr. D doesn't have to work this weekend so I'm hoping we'll be doing something fun. I also have to do a little house cleaning.