Do you ever feel like you're doing a lot but not accomplishing anything? Well, that's how I was feeling last night. I have at least 4 projects on needles and I'm not finishing anything and I'm also getting bored ( I think that's why I barely knit anything last week). So, what's a girl to do? Start another project that you know you can finish quickly. This is Number 17 from Katia #51. The yarn is Nepal: 72% acrylic and 27% wool. Each piece of the garment is knit with a different colorway of yarn.

I started knitting the back this morning on the way to work. I'm already done one ball, and a little over half of the back is done. Now, that's what I call progress. It's mindless knitting, and I can watch television doing it. I'm also happy because I'm getting a jump on my fall wardrobe. This should look good with pants and long skirts.

These are the other two colorways that I will be using to complete the vest. I'm hoping it turns out okay with the colors I picked.

I am up to casting on for the left sleeve on the baby jacket.

In sewing news, I'm picking out my next projects. As I said yesterday, I'm planning on making this, Butterick B4188, View A. I think it can stand alone with a tank top underneath and hopefully can transition into the fall with a long sleeve fitted tee. What do you think?

I also want to make a skirt as this will give me practice working with my new zipper foot. This pattern is New Look 6433. I'm going to use this tan cotton quilting fabric as a lining. I 'm hoping it will give a nice color contrast to the chocolate.

I need a little help on this one. Here is pattern 6348. Which fabric to you like better?

If I use the red fabric, I can make a cocktail version of this dress with this fabric.

Well, I'm getting ready to go and make a meditation blanket and pillow tonight if I'm not too tired. Tomorrow, I have yard work to do over at my mom's and on Sunday, I have a birthday party to go to for my girlfriend's son.What do you have planned for the weekend?
Have a good one.