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Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Holidays!!!!
I also finished the shawl collar sweater for my mom. She also wanted to wear her sweater yesterday, so my camera was having a field day.
Since I've been behind in my sewing, I put myself on lock down this week and got busy. I finally finished the collar on McCall 5529. The pattern called for doing an invisible hem on the inside to tack the collar down. I decided to do my own thing and did stitch in the ditch instead. Here I am in my favorite jacket to date. I also wore it Christmas Eve at church. I must say it was a nicer outfit than this one, but I didn't have my camera with me, so this one will have to do. One of my co-workers was nice enough to take this picture for me.
Yesterday I made 3 pairs of pants for my mother, also a Christmas gift. Sorry I have no pictures, but she was thrilled. I have 3 more pairs to make for her so I'll be busy over the next few days.
Mr. D surprised me with these 3 books for Christmas.
I'm sitting here doing this post, trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my day. Having 4 days off is great, but I guess I'm not use to not having anything to do. JoAnn Fabrics has a sale starting today, but I really don't need to go over there. I got my eyebrows threaded about a month ago and I'm starting to see some growth so I might go get them done today. That will also give me some incentive to stop at Franklin Mills Mall while I'm there and maybe I'll pop into Fabric Warehouse. I really don't need to go there either. I need to pick up a few more storage containers. I have fabric that needs putting away. I also have some knitting to do, and I just might pull my spinning wheel out this weekend. So what are you guys doing this weekend?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
SP13 Question #2
Part B: Have you finished?
I've finished most of my pieces, but I still have 3 pieces left. One of the pieces I finished was already delivered and was greatly received. Here's a picture of my boss with her much loved Bobble Tam.
I'm still working on my mom's shawl collar pullover. The actual sweater is done. I've been working on the collar this weekend. I plan to finish it today.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Over the River and Through The Woods
I'll try to put up a better picture later. I'm not crazy about this one, but it's the only one I have right now.
In other updates, I showed my McCall jacket to my mother the sewer last night. She was very proud of me. I explained to her that I was crazy about the collar and how it was fitting. I had basted on the collar and it wasn't fitting the way I wanted it to but I think it's the pattern. She told me it was fine and that I should just go ahead and stitch it the way it is, so I'll try and finish it by the weekend. I still have to finish sewing her pants before next week, so let's just say, I got lots of work to do.
In knitting news, I made a pair of leg warmers, my own design, for a work mate. I love the way they turned out. I think I posted a picture when I first started them. Well, I kept notes on what I did, so there will be a future pattern on this soon. I also finished putting my mother's sweater together except for the collar which I casted on for a few days ago. I only have 3 1/2 inches left to knit and that will be done, so stay turned for some pictures.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
McCall 5529 Progress
Now back to some major knitting.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
SP13 Question #1
A little while back I had to do the Happiness Meme. One of my answers basically answers this question and I'll add a little more to it.
I am thankful for My husband and 2 dogs. They are my rock. My husband pushes me to do things and to always be outgoing. He listens when I need an ear, and gives me his shoulder when I need to lean on it. Byron(my older dog) has been around now for 16 years. He loves me unconditionally, and scolds me even when I don't need it. Jack(younger dog) just loves me.
I'm also thankful that I still have my mother and father around. No matter how much they nag me, I never get tired of hearing from them. I am thankful for my old friends and my new ones as well which include all of my knitting and crocheting buddies. You are always there supporting me every step of the way, and you push me even when I don't think I can do something.
Lastly, I am thankful for everything that I have, don't have, or I'm about to have. These are trying times that we live in, and there are so many people that are doing without, or who have lost love ones for very stupid and foolish reasons. It makes one feel very humble.
During this holiday season, I think we should all remember and keep in mind someone less fortunate than ourselves. I know I'm going too.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Weekend Updates and Sewing Mojo!!
The other change this year was dessert. I made Apple Dumplings for the first time.
They were soooo good. I used this recipe. The only thing I changed was the nutmeg. I didn't have any so I used a teaspoon of vanilla instead. I also added dried cherries and raisins in the center of each apple and I sprinkled cinnamon sugar on each apple instead of plain cinnamon before wrapping the apples up in the dough.
In knitting news, I finished the Bobble Tam last week.
Friday afternoon and Saturday morning I visited Fabric Warehouse. They had their final 40% off sale for the year. I came home with 3 huge bags of fabric and a long bolt of upholstery fabric for curtains for the living room. Mr. D saw the fabric and nicely asked me if we could use the fabric for the bedroom instead and I said yes. I'm not going to show you all the fabric now, but as I get projects started, I'll make sure to mention where I got the fabric from.
My mom likes wearing knit pants because they are easy to get on and off and since she's retired she's more in the casual mode. Sometimes knit pants are hard to find in the store so in my quest on Saturday I was able to find fabric for at least 6 pairs.

I ordered the Sewing by Nancy pattern that Adrienne made a recent jacket from (yes Sheila I did. Don't worry the $7.99 included shipping). The pattern is discontinued. On the cover there is a cowl neck dress that I want to make very badly. I already have fabric in my stash that I think will work.
This last little gadget I bought on Sunday. It's a Cone Thread Holder. Since I started sewing again, I noticing that I'm buying certain colors of thread more often. I figured that I'd try this holder and see how it works with my sewing machine. It's more cost effective too. I just purchased a cone with 3,000 yards of thread for $2.95 which by far is cheaper when you think about it than a spool of thread. I'll let you all know how I like it once I use it.