You can download the PDF here.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Holidays!!!!
I also finished the shawl collar sweater for my mom. She also wanted to wear her sweater yesterday, so my camera was having a field day.
Since I've been behind in my sewing, I put myself on lock down this week and got busy. I finally finished the collar on McCall 5529. The pattern called for doing an invisible hem on the inside to tack the collar down. I decided to do my own thing and did stitch in the ditch instead. Here I am in my favorite jacket to date. I also wore it Christmas Eve at church. I must say it was a nicer outfit than this one, but I didn't have my camera with me, so this one will have to do. One of my co-workers was nice enough to take this picture for me.
Yesterday I made 3 pairs of pants for my mother, also a Christmas gift. Sorry I have no pictures, but she was thrilled. I have 3 more pairs to make for her so I'll be busy over the next few days.
Mr. D surprised me with these 3 books for Christmas.
I'm sitting here doing this post, trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my day. Having 4 days off is great, but I guess I'm not use to not having anything to do. JoAnn Fabrics has a sale starting today, but I really don't need to go over there. I got my eyebrows threaded about a month ago and I'm starting to see some growth so I might go get them done today. That will also give me some incentive to stop at Franklin Mills Mall while I'm there and maybe I'll pop into Fabric Warehouse. I really don't need to go there either. I need to pick up a few more storage containers. I have fabric that needs putting away. I also have some knitting to do, and I just might pull my spinning wheel out this weekend. So what are you guys doing this weekend?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
SP13 Question #2
Part B: Have you finished?
I've finished most of my pieces, but I still have 3 pieces left. One of the pieces I finished was already delivered and was greatly received. Here's a picture of my boss with her much loved Bobble Tam.
I'm still working on my mom's shawl collar pullover. The actual sweater is done. I've been working on the collar this weekend. I plan to finish it today.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Over the River and Through The Woods
I'll try to put up a better picture later. I'm not crazy about this one, but it's the only one I have right now.
In other updates, I showed my McCall jacket to my mother the sewer last night. She was very proud of me. I explained to her that I was crazy about the collar and how it was fitting. I had basted on the collar and it wasn't fitting the way I wanted it to but I think it's the pattern. She told me it was fine and that I should just go ahead and stitch it the way it is, so I'll try and finish it by the weekend. I still have to finish sewing her pants before next week, so let's just say, I got lots of work to do.
In knitting news, I made a pair of leg warmers, my own design, for a work mate. I love the way they turned out. I think I posted a picture when I first started them. Well, I kept notes on what I did, so there will be a future pattern on this soon. I also finished putting my mother's sweater together except for the collar which I casted on for a few days ago. I only have 3 1/2 inches left to knit and that will be done, so stay turned for some pictures.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
McCall 5529 Progress
Now back to some major knitting.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
SP13 Question #1
A little while back I had to do the Happiness Meme. One of my answers basically answers this question and I'll add a little more to it.
I am thankful for My husband and 2 dogs. They are my rock. My husband pushes me to do things and to always be outgoing. He listens when I need an ear, and gives me his shoulder when I need to lean on it. Byron(my older dog) has been around now for 16 years. He loves me unconditionally, and scolds me even when I don't need it. Jack(younger dog) just loves me.
I'm also thankful that I still have my mother and father around. No matter how much they nag me, I never get tired of hearing from them. I am thankful for my old friends and my new ones as well which include all of my knitting and crocheting buddies. You are always there supporting me every step of the way, and you push me even when I don't think I can do something.
Lastly, I am thankful for everything that I have, don't have, or I'm about to have. These are trying times that we live in, and there are so many people that are doing without, or who have lost love ones for very stupid and foolish reasons. It makes one feel very humble.
During this holiday season, I think we should all remember and keep in mind someone less fortunate than ourselves. I know I'm going too.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Weekend Updates and Sewing Mojo!!
The other change this year was dessert. I made Apple Dumplings for the first time.
They were soooo good. I used this recipe. The only thing I changed was the nutmeg. I didn't have any so I used a teaspoon of vanilla instead. I also added dried cherries and raisins in the center of each apple and I sprinkled cinnamon sugar on each apple instead of plain cinnamon before wrapping the apples up in the dough.
In knitting news, I finished the Bobble Tam last week.
Friday afternoon and Saturday morning I visited Fabric Warehouse. They had their final 40% off sale for the year. I came home with 3 huge bags of fabric and a long bolt of upholstery fabric for curtains for the living room. Mr. D saw the fabric and nicely asked me if we could use the fabric for the bedroom instead and I said yes. I'm not going to show you all the fabric now, but as I get projects started, I'll make sure to mention where I got the fabric from.
My mom likes wearing knit pants because they are easy to get on and off and since she's retired she's more in the casual mode. Sometimes knit pants are hard to find in the store so in my quest on Saturday I was able to find fabric for at least 6 pairs.

I ordered the Sewing by Nancy pattern that Adrienne made a recent jacket from (yes Sheila I did. Don't worry the $7.99 included shipping). The pattern is discontinued. On the cover there is a cowl neck dress that I want to make very badly. I already have fabric in my stash that I think will work.
This last little gadget I bought on Sunday. It's a Cone Thread Holder. Since I started sewing again, I noticing that I'm buying certain colors of thread more often. I figured that I'd try this holder and see how it works with my sewing machine. It's more cost effective too. I just purchased a cone with 3,000 yards of thread for $2.95 which by far is cheaper when you think about it than a spool of thread. I'll let you all know how I like it once I use it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Nepal Vest and other Updates!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
More Crafty Goodness!!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
SP13 Questionaire
1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I'm a natural kind of girl. Alpaca, Silk, Cashmere, Organic Wool (allergic to treated wools), Cotton, Bamboo. I pretty much will work with everything. Acrylic yarns are okay but I usually use them in blankets or items that I want to machine wash.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? I have a case for my crochet hooks, but nothing for my circular needles, so right now they're in their original ziplocks in a draw.
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I've been knitting for 8 or 9 years now. I consider myself between intermediate and advanced because I haven't learned everything yet. I learned at a yarn shop in New Jersey.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? Yes (Link)
5. What's your favorite scent? Citrus, Grapefruit, Anything that clean smelling. I'm not too much into the florals unless they are essential oils like lavender
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? swedish fish, green spearmint leaves
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
Card making, sewing, crochet. Yes I do spin.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
Jazz, Classic House Music, R & B, Pop, Some Rock. Yes I can play MP3s.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand?
Baby Blue, Blook Red, Wine, Black. I like anything that looks good on me which seems to be warm colors right now.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I am a newly wed. I got married almost 6 months ago. We have 2 dogs.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
Yes to all of that.
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
I like knitting garments/clothes, pretty much anything that I can wear. Accessories follow a close second.
13. What are you knitting right now?
A pair of socks, a hat, a sweater, and I'm crocheting a blanket
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
Yes, Yes Yes
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Circulars I can see my projects better. Aluminum first, bamboo second
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
Yes to both
17. How old is your oldest UFO?
I think I still have a sweater I started the second year I was knitting stashed away in one of my containers.
18. What is your favorite holiday? What winter holiday do you observe?
I have 2 favorite holidays. My first has always been Christmas, but now I have to add Memorial Day because I got married Memorial Day weekend and my birthday is on the Traditional Memorial Day.
19. Is there anything that you collect?
Crystal Animals. Knitting magazines and books
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
Custom Knits by Wendy Bernard. I subscribe to Vogue Knitting and Interweave Knits. I would love a pair of wooden cable needles.
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
Yes, anything I haven't learned yet. I haven't learned to spin cotton yet. I have the book Spin to Knit, but I'd like another book on spinning
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
Yes. I wear a size 9 1/2.
23. When is your birthday?
May 30th
24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID?
Yes, Andrea670
Friday, November 07, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Cobblestone and Weekend Update!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Project #2 is Selbu Modern.
Project #3 is from the Vogue Holiday issue which just came out. Has anyone seen this issue? I love this. I want to make quite a few patterns from this issue. One of which is #12 the Loopy Cabled Cardi. I want to wear it for Valentines Day. The pattern I'm working on right now is #31, the Bobble Tam. It's a present for my boss for the holidays. I'm using Rowan Felted Tweed.
In sewing news I had my scissors sharpened at JoAnn Fabrics on Monday. they have the sign up every once and a while and I decided to try it. They do a pretty good job, and I was pleased. It's definitely cheaper than buying a new pair.
I'm still working on my VS project (Sorry no pictures yet). I got my jacket done except for hemming, and I plan to cut the pants out as soon as I lengthen the pattern pieces. I'm also thinking about making lounge pants for Mr. D again. The pair I made him last year are a little snug in the thigh area so I need to cut the new pair or pairs a little wider.
That's pretty much it for now. I'll leave you with this picture from my honeymoon. I promised Heidi I'd show this crochet shawl I made a while back. I thought it complimented my gown well for formal night.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Update Wednesday!!
In knitting news, I finished the 17 inches I needed done on Cobblestone, and have since started working on the sleeves which are also almost done. I have this phobia of doing one sleeve at a time, so when I can, I always do my sleeves, and socks at the same time. Since Cobblestone is done in the round, sleeves included. I used this method that I learned a few years ago. I had taken a class on how to knit one sock in the round. After finishing the class, I was freaked out that I still had to make one more sock. I found Sheron's method, and never turned back. It makes things much easier, and I don't have to worry about whether both sleeves, or socks are the same length. Sorry I don't have any pictures right now, but I'm hoping to have some up by the weekend.
I know in my last post I said I'd wait till I finish what I have on the needles now, but I sometimes hang out in Rosie's during my lunch hour. Kate designed the lovely Selbu Modern. When I found out that she finally had the pattern up, I had to make it.
I'm making mine in pink and brown. The main color is pink.
I also started back on the Twilight Series. Thank you Robin. You are the best. CD's are my best friend now and I got the last one in the mail yesterday. That's it for now, I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Latest Sewing Endeavor

Vogue 8138

McCalls 5398

I'm still not sure about the waist band part. I might do a regular elastic waist band. I found a navy blue knit that I think will work nicely for this. I cut out my pattern pieces last night and intend to cut and mark my fabric tonight. Depending on how much I get done, hopefully I might be able to start sewing tonight.
You see where I sometimes get my sewing/knitting inspiration comes from. Where do you guys get your inspiration from?
In knitting news, I worked on Cobblestone last night and I have 5.5 inches left before casting on for the sleeves. This sweater is moving along nicely, and should be done in more than enough time for the holidays. I think once I get this sweater done, and I finally finish the one for my mother, I'm going to cast on for a few smaller projects. Hats, and a few scarves.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Updates, an FO and a Review!!
I also had to go to a memorial service yesterday after church. It was the second death I had to deal with in a week. The family asked me to sing, which of course I did. I've sung at funerals before and they are usually very hard. But this one was good. I actually got through the song. Gloria, that's her name lead a wonderful life and saw a lot in her 91 years.
In other more uplifting news, I finished the Baby Jacket with Moss Stitch Edging. YIPPEE!!!! The girls in my knitting group will clap at this, because they know that this was a project that dragged for me. I kept putting it down, and baby Noah came 3 weeks early so you know I needed to get it done.
The yarn is Manos Silk Blend on #3 needles.
I also started the Cobblestone Pullover for Mr. D. At our reception he actually said to me. "Since I married you, can I get my sweater now?" I laughed of course because it was our wedding, and all he could think about was his sweater, and told him yes. So far it's an easy knit. I had more of the Cestari (this one is a cotton, wool, and silk blend) in a blue tweed and it was the right gauge.
I've been working off and on on the pattern for Victoria. I pretty much have it written out. I just need to swatch 2 of the patterns in the round to check something and then it will be done, so hopefully I'll have that up soon. I've learned a lot with this pattern and sizing which I thought was very cool. I also started another design. I hope to have tidbit pics soon so please stay tuned.
I've been getting myself ready to teach this finishing class at the end of October (This one's for you Sheila). In doing so, I found this at my local Staples store of all places. I figured why not, it's only $20, and how could I go wrong the dude from Oxy Clean was do the commercial. Let me tell you, the Steam Buddy is ALL THAT!!!! I LOVE IT!! I've been using it more than my iron. It even took a chocolate stain out of Mr. D's suit. I loved it so much, I went out and bought another one.
From time to time I go and hang with the Philadelphia Sewing Collective in when they have the sewing cafe. They meet once a month an sew. It's cool. I been there 2 times, and I did a sewing outing with them last spring where they took us around fabric row in Philadelphia. Anyway, not to change the subject. I got an emailed the other day with a link to the Thread Market. I thought the deal they had for 17 cones of thread which hold 4,000 yards of polyester thread for only $7.15 was a steal. Also, each cone is a different color. They also have another deal for 20 cones at $11.00. If you like, check it out.
I thought I'd leave you with this picture. Can you guess who it is?
Have an awesome day and week!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Diamond Girl Update!!

Monday, September 01, 2008
Labor Day FO's and a Meme
Yarn: Cestari by Chester Farms on #7 needle.
This sweater was very easy to make and the sweater pattern is memorable after doing a few rows. It's definitely a project that you can take on the road or do while watching television. A nice staple to have in your wardrobe to take the chill off. It can pretty much go with anything. Dress it up or wear it with jeans.
This is what I made on Saturday (Fall Fashion wardrobe piece #2)
I'm pretty proud of this garment. Although I've known how to sew for many years, and am really just getting back into it, I've never worked with knits before. I've also never done this neckline before either so I learned 3 new things on this project. The 3rd being stitch in the ditch, and it was very easy. This pattern is very straight forward, and I didn't have to make any adjustments to it. I will definitely be making another one, probably in a solid color and maybe with longer sleeves.
Sorry, nothing on Sunday, hung out with Mom, and did food shopping and more yard work.
I'll have pictures up later in the week with me actually in the garments. For now I'll leave you with the Tree of Happiness meme. I have been tagged by the the lovely Lisa. I am tagging these lovely people: Robin, Amanda, Susan and Sheila, Robin, Stacey. The Happiness Tree sayeth that you must list six things that make you happy. These are my six :
1. My husband and 2 dogs. They are my rock. My husband pushes me to do things and to always be outgoing. He listens when I need an ear, and gives me his shoulder when I need to lean on it. Byron(my older dog) has been around now for 15 years. He loves me unconditionally, and scolds me even when I don't need it. Jack(younger dog) just loves me.
2. The one special Saturday morning (rare for me) when you don't have to get up and you can sleep in without a care in the world and just laze around. It's even better when it is raining outside.
3. Shopping at my favorite craft or yarn store. (hee, hee)
4. Cheese fries and funnel cake from the boardwalk in Atlantic City. You know you can't go there without trying it.
5. Knitting/Crocheting/Designing something and when it's finally finished, you have that moment. Then the big cheesy grin shows up and you bounce all around for joy because you did something really good.
6. Wednesday night knit group at Rosie's, my knitting class on Thursday nights that I teach and my knitting/crochet/sewing friends in blog land. You all are the best, and bring out the best in me. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Supplies needed: 2 Gap tanks and a half slip
Victoria is a mixture of crochet and knit (more knit than crochet). I was going to sew a lining in, but my mother suggested that I just use a half slip underneath, and it worked out just fine as you can see. It also gives me the option of using other color tank tops and slips for different contrasts. I'm working on a pattern for this so please be patient.
I blocked my Minimalist Cardigan on Monday night when I got home and it was dry this morning so I was able to start putting it together today (I'm halfway done). Hopefully I'll have it done by tomorrow, if not Friday. I plan to have pics up by the weekend.
In sewing news, I ironed(fabric & pattern) and cut out NL 6648. Here's the fabric I'm using. (it's so nice to be able to download pictures again. heehee!!)
Hope everyone is having a great week!! =)